Beatrice Bardelli

Digital Compliance: How to Make a Web Site Compliant with Cookies regulations

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It is of the vital importance to ensure that a website is legally compliant in order to avoid penalties and protect the corporate reputation. This article is intended for in-house web agencies and marketing managers and provides practical guidance on how to ensure the legal compliance of websites, with a particular focus on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the requirements of the Data Protection Authority regarding cookies.

The importance of Compliance

Compliance with data protection regulations is not merely a means of avoiding penalties; it is also a way of protecting visitor data, building trust and improving the user experience. Inlight of the increasing prevalence of privacy regulations and the growing consumeremphasis on the protection of personal data, it is imperative for online businesses toensure legal compliance in order to achieve long-term success.

Main Regulations to Consider

GDPR and Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents the European legislation that governs the processing of personal data. In order to be considered compliant with the GDPR, a website must adhere to a number of principles.

  • Transparency: It is necessary to inform users about the manner in which their data will
    be utilised.
  • The act of obtaining consent from data subjects is a fundamental aspect of the GDPR.t: It is imperative that users be granted explicit consent for the processing of their data.
  • Security: It is incumbent upon the data controller to implement appropriate measures to safeguard the data from unauthorised access.
  • Data Subject Rights: It is essential to provide users with the ability to exercise their rights, including the access, rectification, and deletion of data.

Cookie Management

The Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali (Italian Data Protection Authority) has established specific guidelines for cookie management. Websites must:

  • Informing Users:: Use a banner to inform users about the use of cookies, specifying the type of cookies used (technical, analytical, profiling).
  • Obtaining Consent: Collect explicit consent from users for the use of non-technical cookies, such as profiling cookies. Consent must be recorded and documented.
  • Offer Choice Options: Allow users to choose which cookies to accept and offer the ability to withdraw consent at any time.
  • Update Information: Provide detailed and up-to-date information about cookies, including how long they last and how they are managed.

How to Make a Website Compliant

Risk assessment

Before implementing any system that processes personal data, it is essential to carry out a risk assessment on digital data processing and identify appropriate mitigation measures. This process helps ensure that processing activities carried out through digital platforms comply with the principles of the GDPR and reduces the risk of sanctions.

Creating a Privacy Policy

A privacy statement must be clear, concise, and easily accessible. It must explain what data is collected, how it is used, with whom it is shared and what the rights of the users are. It's important regularly update the information to reflect any changes in data processing practices.

Consent Management

Obtaining user consent for the processing of their data is crucial. Use cookie banners that require explicit action, such as clicking 'Accept', to ensure that consent is informed and voluntary. Document all consents obtained so that you can demonstrate compliance in the event of inspections.

Data Security

Implement appropriate security measures to protect personal data. This includes the use of up-to-date encryption, firewalls, antivirus software, and physical security measures. Also, make sure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data.

Training and Awareness

Train staff on the importance of data protection and company procedures to ensure compliance. This is especially
important for marketing and IT teams, which are often on the front line of personal data processing.

Best Practices for Compliance

  1. Periodic Audits: Carry out regular audits to ensure that all data processing practices comply with regulations.
  2. Consultation: Work with experts to keep abreast of new laws and best practices.
  3. Transparency with Users: Maintain open and honest communication with users about the management of their data.


It would be erroneous to view legal compliance as an impediment; rather, it should be regarded as a potential avenue for enhancing customer trust and transparency. By adhering to these guidelines and implementing the optimal practices delineated, web agencies and marketing managers can guarantee that their websites are legally compliant, while safeguarding users' personal data and fostering enduring trust.

The Disadvantages of Not Having a Digital Compliance Service

The absence of a digital compliance service comparable to that provided by AgileClass can result in a number of disadvantages.

  • Penalties and Fines: Failure to comply with the relevant regulations can result in significant financial penalties. To illustrate, companies in the telecommunications sector, such as TIM and Vodafone, have incurred substantial financial penalties for non-compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • A further consequence of non-compliance is the loss of customer confidence. There is a growing awareness among customers of their right to privacy. A breach can have a significantly detrimental impact on a company's reputation.
  • Legal Risk: In the absence of adequate privacy management, organisations may be subject to
    legal proceedings initiated by users.
  • Reduced Competitiveness: Compliance with regulations confers a competitive advantage. Those organisations that fail to address this issue may find themselves at a disadvantage in comparison to their more privacy-conscious competitors.

To circumvent these risks, it is imperative to seek the guidance of digital compliance experts such as AgileClass, who can guarantee that your website is perpetually compliant with the prevailing regulations. Further information can be obtained from AgileClass Digital Compliance.

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